(1)「日本風土記」(1570年代 中国)
Introduction to Japan
Here are some documents which help to trace the time when the soroban, which originated in China, was introduced into Japan.
(1)"The Japanese Topography" 1570's in China
This is a research document written by Chinese about Japan and its people. In those days Chinese were troubled by "Wako" or Japanese pirates. We find the word "Sohan" in this book. It most likely refers to "Soroban" the pronunciation of which probably sounded like "Sohan" to them.
(2)"The Soroban in a war Camp" 1592
Toshiie Maeda, a "daimyo" or a feudal lord in Kaga used this soroban in his war camp. This soroban is regarded as the oldest one in Japan. A handy type, it is 7 centimeters by 13, with copper wires and beads made out of animal bones
(3)「ラ・ポ・日対訳辞典」(1595年 天草耶蘇学会)
(3)"La Po Japanese-Portuguese Dictionary" 1595 Yaso Church in Amakusa
This dictionary was written by a missionary who had come to stay in Japan from Portugal, in which we find the word "Soroban".
(4)「職人尽絵(つくしえ)」(1610年頃か 狩野吉信)
(4)"A folding Screen of Crafts-men" ~1610(Edo Era) Yoshinobu Kano
One of his works has a part in which a merchant is calculating with the soroban.
Considering these facts, we can guess that the soroban was commonly used in Muromachi Era, about 420 years ago.